Become a Delivery Partner(m/f)

We are looking for newspaper distributors in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, as well as people to fill self - service automats in Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Styria, Carinthia, East Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

  • Are you interested in becoming a partner for daily door - to - door deliveries or for filling self - service automats on Sundays and public holidays ?
  • Are you looking for a part - time job as a contractor ?
  • Are you interested in performance - based additional income ?
  • Are you familiar with your residential area, and do you have a vehicle ?
  • Are you free in the early hours of the morning ?

Solicitare ca partener de livrare (b/f)
Câmpurile marcate cu * sunt câmpuri obligatorii.

Odată cu trimiterea acestui acord accept faptul că datele mele vor fi stocate în scopul pregătirii unui contract pentru procesul de recrutare timp de maximum 9 de luni (mai multe informații pe protejarea datelor). Pot solicita oricând ștergerea datelor înainte de expirarea acestei perioade.